
Tong is a web developer with passion and energy. Ocasionlly, He uses blogs to record his ideas and his thoughts.

One main advantage for him is that he can learn things fast and never afraid of new challenges. Also, he can cooperate with other people effectively and committedly.


  • Javascript           Proficient
  • HTML/CSS         Proficient
  • React                Proficient


In 2019, he completed the Udacity “React - The complete guide” course and his JavaScript got strengthened.

React is a modern javascript framwork which is suitable for developing web applicaitons.


A Flashcard Web Application

  • A flash card application to enhance memorization

  • Used React and Typescript to build the project

  • Used Firebase for data storage

  • Used CodeMirror for Markdown syntax support

  • Used swr for data cache

  • Blog: Introduce in detail

A Vaccine tracker Website

  • A website to track COVID-19 vaccines

  • Used Nextjs to build the project

  • Used Google sheets as content management system

  • Used D3.js to generate diagrams from fetched data

  • Website

Exploring Disinformation: Troll Tweets

  • Dataset included nearly three million Tweets associated with 2848 unique twitter handles

  • Used Python and word2vec to find relations between words, then projected each tweet to a 10,000x1 vector, then use cosine similarity to find similar tweets

  • Used TF-IDF to extract topics from a group of tweets

  • Blog: Introduce in detail